This is a book about the Calabash Cistern that covers various aspects, including history, technical details, safe drinking water, and its impact on people, animals, and ecosystems. It shares stories and photos of the Calabash family and others, with special attention to women and children, while connecting water, life, and human cooperation.

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Calabash Training for Women

Project leader Alfred Tobiko in our new open-air classroom in Emburkutia. We have 10 participants: 7 women, 3 men divided over 2 teams. Each team with 1 trainer will construct 2 cisterns. All women are member of the self-help group...

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Jaarrekening 2023

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Jaarverslag 2023 voor donateurs

De reikwijdte van ons project groeit en leidt naar de crisis van Afrikaanse migranten. Waar geen drinkwater is trekken bevolkingsgroepen weg. Voldoende veilig drinkwater houdt een gebied leefbaar......

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Projectbeschrijving 2024

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Projectbeschrijving 2023

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